All leagues from SWOS completed from Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania and North America
Here they are:
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All Leagues (for beta 0.71)
it doesn't work for version 0.72
it doesn't work for version 0.72 (no funciona con la version 0.72)
Juan José
Juan José

Re: it doesn't work for version 0.72
Here you can find a converter from 70/71 to 72:zirune wrote:it doesn't work for version 0.72 (no funciona con la version 0.72) ... p?download
Simply copy the converter in the data folder and run it.
Last edited by Massimo32 on Mon Mar 06, 2006 10:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: it doesn't work for version 0.72
i did put the converter in yoda_soccer_072\dataMassimo32 wrote:Here you can find a converter from 70/71 to 72:zirune wrote:it doesn't work for version 0.72 (no funciona con la version 0.72) ... p?download
Simply copy the converter in the data folder and run it.
and then run it, i only get 2 windows, with nothing in it, will test it like 10 minutes
Re: it doesn't work for version 0.72
If you can't use the converter, try this:GizMo wrote: i did put the converter in yoda_soccer_072\data
and then run it, i only get 2 windows, with nothing in it, will test it like 10 minutes
- delete all the team files in the folder data, only keep team_cus.yst
- install the data pack for 0.72