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My games of football of table and my creations from the football you plate and the subbuteo, up to coming to the football you register (identical to you plate but with ladies' cards instead of sheets; and the ball of the subbuteo instead of her of you plate). Certainly the jugabilidad, mobility and capacity of shot of the cards is infinitely superior to the sheets and to the figures of the subbuteo ****. Only one is problems that the big cards they are bought the Chinese and already they do not have mas of this size, jajajaja. The cards move with great fluency for the fields of sheets and subbuteo (though in the subbuteo it is possible to play also with in view of in order that the ball does not go so rapid). I encourage you to prove it and you will verify the superiority of the game (jugabilidad) to the chapas and subbuteo. Also I put photos of other modalities