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New Subbuteo/Y soccer hybrid game

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 8:12 pm
by Olivergoldblack
Hi guys.

I was thinking of developing a game that takes the best bits of Subbuteo and sensible soccer (or ysoccer!) in one game.

So imagine you have a 36inch flat screen TV and it's laid out on a table like a football pitch. You have 2 usb game controllers plugged in to this TV, and when you start it up it immediately fires up ysoccer. You set the game normal and when you get to the game screen instead of the camera following the ball around the pitch all you see is the full layout of the pitch, goal posts, all players, etc... All from one 2d overhead pitch. So instead of a Subbuteo pitch you have a TV lieing down which will display the entire game. Meanwhile you'll be able to build your own real stadium, model fans, electronic scoreboards, adverts, floodlights, sound effects. Like when you could build your own Subbuteo stadium. Also you could link the scoreboard to the game and it could display the real scores and goal replays etc...
The only modification to ysoccer would be having the full pitch view instead of a camera following the ball.

Could anyone make a version of ysoccer to do this? I could make the rest of it.
